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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Short Selling/Naked Short Selling - What is it?

**On the NEWS**: Merkel introduces ban on naked short selling from midnight tonight  
**On the NEWS**:  There are $250 billion in naked CDS outstanding; they have 4 hours to unwind . . .

There was a great explanation on short selling by mikla on ZeroHedge on Tue, 05/18/2010 - 13:14

Shorting (good) and "naked shorting" (bad) are different.

Shorting:  (example), A stock's current market price is $100.  I think it should sell for $80, so I won't buy it.  However, I'll sell it for $100, because I think the market will soon figure out it should be priced at $80 (and I'm willing to incur risk while I wait):

  1. I "borrow" a share to sell.
  2. I sell it for $100 (the current market price).
  3. I wait until the share drops to $80.
  4. I buy a share for $80 (the current market price).
  5. I give the share to the guy in (1) that let me borrow his, "covering" my short, to result in a net profit of $20.
For shorting, I may reap the benefit of knowing the "better" price of the stock.  I incur the risk that if it never drops in price, I'll lose money when I need to "cover my short" at some point, at market price, to give it back to the guy from which it was borrowed.  The market benefits through liquidity because I wouldn't play at $100, but I'm willing to incur a risk for an expected future price around $80 (e.g., a market buy/sell transaction occurs now when it otherwise would not).

Naked Shorting:  I like running naked through the woods because I like the light breeze on my hot loins and the expressive freedom it exudes.  From "shorting" (defined above), to do "naked shorting", skip steps (1), (4), and (5).
Naked shorting is illegal for you-and-me, but is often done in dark pools by the big investment houses.  The net effect is I can "sell" a zillion shares that don't exist, driving down the price of "real" shares.  I never cover (never buy what I've sold).  All I'm doing is distorting market price, with zero capital and risk up-front, and pocketing cash, by putting in no cash and carrying no risk (if I don't get caught).  While illegal, this is common these days for predatory market manipulation (google the big topic).
For example, if a company has 5,000 shares of stock TOTAL, you can go to your online brokerage account and buy 6,000 shares of that stock.  Impossible, but your trade will go through (that's only possible through fraud).
Shorting:  Good.  Naked shorting:  Bad.
At various times, markets have banned shorting (that's stupid).  Naked shorting is always illegal, but regulators sometimes puff up their chests to pretend they are going to address that as a problem with new weird regulations and arbitrary timelines.

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Economics for your Children:

Teach your children not to be debtors.

Look up the laws of economic liberty

Liberty's Dictator, our triune God, tells us His law word needs to be established in every area of life. Economics is one of those areas. The world economy today is doomed because it's two classes, the hosts and the parasites, are morally and religiously corrupt. Instead of being a participant of that fiat law order of economic private property destruction (sooner or later); recognize, learn, and establish the law that is regenerating (to name a few):
  1. Not to steal money stealthily Lev. 19:11
  2. The court must implement punitive measures against the thief Ex. 21:37
  3. Each individual must ensure that his scales and weights are accurate Lev. 19:36
  4. Not to commit injustice with scales and weights Lev. 19:35
  5. Not to possess inaccurate scales and weights even if they are not for use Deut. 25:13
  6. Not to move a boundary marker to steal someone's property Deut. 19:14
  7. Not to kidnap Ex. 20:13
  8. Not to rob openly Lev. 19:13
  9. Not to withhold wages or fail to repay a debt Lev. 19:13
  10. Not to covet and scheme to acquire another's possession Ex. 20:14
  11. Not to desire another's possession Deut. 5:18
  12. Return the robbed object or its value Lev. 5:23
  13. The court must implement laws against the one who assaults another or damages another's property Ex. 21:18
  14. Not to murder Ex. 20:12
  15. Not to accept monetary restitution to atone for the murderer Num. 35:31
  16. The court must send the accidental murderer to a city of refuge Num. 35:25
  17. Not to accept monetary restitution instead of being sent to a city of refuge Num. 35:32
  18. Not to leave others distraught with their burdens (but to help either load or unload) Deut. 22:4
  19. Conduct sales according to biblical law Lev. 25:14
  20. Not to overcharge or underpay for an article Lev. 25:14
  21. Not to insult or harm anybody with words Lev. 25:17
  22. Not to cheat a convert monetarily Ex. 22:20