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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

6th grade #5 Economics in One Lesson - Taxes Discourage Production

by Henry Hazlitt

The Lesson Applied

Taxes Discourage Production

There is a still further factor which makes it improbable that the wealth created by government spending will fully compensate for the wealth destroyed by the taxes imposed to pay for that spending. It is not a simple question, as so often supposed, of taking something out of the nation’s right-hand pocket to put into its left-hand pocket. The government spenders tell us, for example, that if the national income is $1,500 billion then federal taxes of $360 billion a year would mean that only 24 percent of the national income is being transferred from private purposes to public purposes.[1] This is to talk as if the country were the same sort of unit of pooled resources as a huge corporation, and as if all that were involved were a mere bookkeeping transaction. The government spenders forget that they are taking the money from A in order to pay it to B. Or rather, they know this very well but while they dilate upon all the benefits of the process to B, and all the wonderful things he will have which he would not have had if the money had not been transferred to him, they forget the effects of the transaction on A. B is seen; A is forgotten.

In our modern world there is never the same percentage of income tax levied on everybody. The great burden of income taxes is imposed on a minor percentage of the nation’s income; and these income taxes have to be supplemented by taxes of other kinds. These taxes inevitably affect the actions and incentives of those from whom they are taken. When a corporation loses a hundred cents of every dollar it loses, and is permitted to keep only fifty-two cents of every dollar it gains, and when it cannot adequately offset its years of losses against its years of gains, its policies are affected. It does not expand its operations, or it expands only those attended with a minimum of risk. People who recognize this situation are deterred from starting new enterprises. Thus old employers do not give more employment, or not as much more as they might have; and others decide not to become employers at all. Improved machinery and better-equipped factories come into existence much more slowly than they otherwise would. The result in the long run is that consumers are prevented from getting better and cheaper products to the extent that they otherwise would, and that real wages are held down, compared with what they might have been.

There is a similar effect when personal incomes are taxed 50, 60 or 70 percent. People begin to ask themselves why they should work six, eight or nine months of the entire year for the government, and only six, four or three months for themselves and their families. If they lose the whole dollar when they lose, but can keep only a fraction of it when they win, they decide that it is foolish to take risks with their capital. In addition, the capital available for risk-taking itself shrinks enormously. It is being taxed away before it can be accumulated. In brief, capital to provide new private jobs is first prevented from coming into existence, and the part that does come into existence is then discouraged from starting new enterprises. The government spenders create the very problem of unemployment that they profess to solve.

A certain amount of taxes is of course indispensable to carry on essential government functions. Reasonable taxes for this purpose need not hurt production much. The kind of government services then supplied in return, which among other things safeguard production itself, more than compensate for this. But the larger the percentage of the national income taken by taxes the greater the deterrent to private production and employment. When the total tax burden grows beyond a bearable size, the problem of devising taxes that will not discourage and disrupt production becomes insoluble.

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Economics for your Children:

Teach your children not to be debtors.

Look up the laws of economic liberty

Liberty's Dictator, our triune God, tells us His law word needs to be established in every area of life. Economics is one of those areas. The world economy today is doomed because it's two classes, the hosts and the parasites, are morally and religiously corrupt. Instead of being a participant of that fiat law order of economic private property destruction (sooner or later); recognize, learn, and establish the law that is regenerating (to name a few):
  1. Not to steal money stealthily Lev. 19:11
  2. The court must implement punitive measures against the thief Ex. 21:37
  3. Each individual must ensure that his scales and weights are accurate Lev. 19:36
  4. Not to commit injustice with scales and weights Lev. 19:35
  5. Not to possess inaccurate scales and weights even if they are not for use Deut. 25:13
  6. Not to move a boundary marker to steal someone's property Deut. 19:14
  7. Not to kidnap Ex. 20:13
  8. Not to rob openly Lev. 19:13
  9. Not to withhold wages or fail to repay a debt Lev. 19:13
  10. Not to covet and scheme to acquire another's possession Ex. 20:14
  11. Not to desire another's possession Deut. 5:18
  12. Return the robbed object or its value Lev. 5:23
  13. The court must implement laws against the one who assaults another or damages another's property Ex. 21:18
  14. Not to murder Ex. 20:12
  15. Not to accept monetary restitution to atone for the murderer Num. 35:31
  16. The court must send the accidental murderer to a city of refuge Num. 35:25
  17. Not to accept monetary restitution instead of being sent to a city of refuge Num. 35:32
  18. Not to leave others distraught with their burdens (but to help either load or unload) Deut. 22:4
  19. Conduct sales according to biblical law Lev. 25:14
  20. Not to overcharge or underpay for an article Lev. 25:14
  21. Not to insult or harm anybody with words Lev. 25:17
  22. Not to cheat a convert monetarily Ex. 22:20